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What We Do:

By using tools tools such as Stick Mobility, Foam rollers, lacrosse balls,

and your own body you will be able to achieve maximum

range of motion ,core strength and

tissue release in order to perform at your best

and recover your strongest!

A program design will be given to you for the days you aren’t with a trainer, revolving around corrective exercise, balance, and core.  This option is suitable for any age and level of fitness and ideal for those needing accountability and education to ensure results!

Golf fitness assessment is included in all packages

Re-assessment is included with all packages 8 weeks or longer

Packages vary on needs and availability. Schedule a free consultation (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Saturdays @ 1:15 pm at Elite Fitness, Western Springs, IL


        Space is limited to 10 participants each week

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